Consultancy services

Product Development and Product Development quality consultancy services

The goal of our consulting services is to clearly identify where your product development process and product development quality process needs improving. We can also advise and correct the areas of weakness. Our consultancy services have three basic steps:

Pre-visit review:
We will understand the in-market status of your business, e.g. how are you respected by your customers, suppliers and competitors?

Client visit:
On site at your premises we will walk the process or otherwise gain an understanding of the actual processes used in your product development process.

Feedback or help for the client:
Once the actual process is known it can be compared to our idealised process. The problem areas will be identified and prioritised. We will then work with you and your team to robustly implement the agreed solutions.

Our consultancy services can be purchased on-line with a 20% discount.
(Immediate payment is required for on-line purchases)


Business expenses are charged at a fixed cost, agreed in advance. Hotels are from £130.00 per night including all meals and mileage is charged at £0.45 per mile. Once the order / payment has been received you will be contacted to arrange the client visit dates and confirm the cost of the expenses.



Bronze consultancy service

Five days of consulting expertise to identify the problems in your product development process and develop the necessary solutions with you.

1 off fee - £1760.00



Silver consultancy service

Ten days of consulting expertise to identify the problems in your product development process and develop the necessary solutions with you.

1 off fee - £3520.00



Gold consultancy service

Twenty days of consulting expertise to identify the problems in your product development process and develop the necessary solutions with you.

1 off fee - £7040.00



Custom consultancy service

Together we decide how many days of consulting expertise is required to identify the problems in your product development process and develop the necessary solutions with you.

1 off fee - £TBD



Customised process manual

We can re-write one of our process manuals to suit your business needs and your product development process.

1 off adapted manual - £7040.00



Alternatively contact us to discuss your requirements


If you are not sure if these consultancy services are for you then please contact us we may be able to help you.

Free on-line self assessment tool