Business start-up - on-line workshops, consultancy and mentoring

Start your business securely with this proven business start-up system

Business start-up

Starting your own business can be a very challenging project to undertake as there are so many options to follow and pitfalls to make. The only people who want you to succeed are your friends and family, everyone else is wondering how to sell you something. No-one seems willing to give you truly impartial advice and will tell you their products are essential for you. It is a dog eat dog World out there.

Do you start as sole trader or go Limited, what's the difference anyway, what taxes do I pay and how do I best minimise my costs and expenditure. What's the best route to market, what do I look for if I need a bricks and mortar establishment and what legals must I comply with? The list goes on and on.

The good news is that almost all start-up businesses make the same mistakes, which is good as all the mistakes are here including the best way to avoid those mistakes. Why risk the growth of your fledgling business by making all the usual mistakes?

This start-up business program is for you if you are thinking of starting a business but are unsure of how to proceed and what you need to do and for a new business that's in its first year of trading.

On-line workshops

These on-line workshops guide you through a step by step process which you can follow at your own pace. This training workshop is given in English and is designed to impart knowledge and capability, allowing you to re-use the information over and over again.

All the necessary worksheets, templates and examples are given as part of the on-line workshops.

There is an optional test and a certificate is issued once the test has been passed.

Access to these great on-line training workshops is time limited and not usage limited. Once payment has been received we will issue a user name and a keycode that gives unlimited user access to the training course. This user name and keycode can be used as many times as needed and by as many individuals as needed.


With consultancy we will work on your behalf and with your support. We will analyze your current position and needs, then produce your desired results.

The consultancy can be delivered at your business, remotely or a combination of both depending on demand and location.


Mentoring is a long term relationship that imparts the necessary information and skills you'll need as your business moves forward. With the mentoring program we'll work with you on a one to one basis to help you and your business by sharing the knowledge and insights needed to facilitate your personal and professional start-up.

The mentoring program is delivered through weekly meetings which can be face to face or via the phone depending on your location. There is also unlimited email support for you.

(Immediate payment required for on-line purchases)


Enter user name:
Enter keycode:

Business start-up on-line workshop; 7 days, unlimited users - £


Business start-up on-line workshop; 21 days, unlimited users - £


Business start-up on-line workshop; 1 year, unlimited users - £


Business start-up consultancy; 1 hour - £


Business start-up consultancy; 0.5 day - £


Business start-up mentoring; 3 months - £

If you are not sure which of these business solutions is for you then please contact us we can help you.
