Business Resource Centre

On-line workshops, consultancy and mentoring programs

Below is a diagram showing the various areas of your business. Click on the area of interest for more details on the workshops, consultancy and mentoring programs available.

1. Self
The self level contains the strategies that are at the very foundation of any manager owned business, the business owner. Many of these strategies also apply to the leadership team of larger businesses as the self level contains the strategies needed by every leadership team member. These strategies are designed to open the mind of individuals so that they can perceive the World around them as it really is.

The self awareness box contains the strategies to make people more self aware in terms of who they are and in terms of understanding people and the World around them.
It's well documented that businesses grow to the capability of the leadership team. Give the team more capability in terms of broader comfort zones, broader knowledge zones and broader activity zones and the business will automatically grow.

The planning box contains the strategies and methods related to developing solid plans for the business and for the business owner. The personal desires of the business owner will be funded by the incremental money generated by the business.

With the business owner understood as a person from the strategies in the self awareness box and the desired direction for the business defined we must ensure that everything is in alignment. The strategies in the alignment box are designed to expose areas where there are potential future problems with the growth of the business as we proceed.

The time box contains the strategies needed by all business owners in terms of managing their time effectively. The strategies ensure the business owner and the team are all working effectively and efficiently.

2. Control
The control level contains the strategies that are essential for the leadership team to control the basics of running a business. This allows the business owner to manage their business on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis.

The financial control box contains the strategies a business owner needs to understand the financial aspects of running a business. The financial basics are explained as are the strategies required to monitor and control the business and its finances.

The consistency control box focuses on the delivery of the goods and services offered by the business. Consistent customer experience is at the very heart of customer retention which is key to business success. People tend to dislike change and want to know what to do when they buy from businesses.

Systems and process
The systems and process box contains the strategies a business leader can use to document the way the business is currently operating. This gives a level of security within the team in that others can perform the tasks too. Also, new staff training becomes quicker, more effective and less disruptive to the organisation. In some cases there are health and safety reasons and insurance requirements for documenting systems.

With the systems of the business documented it is then possible to formally allocate people to job roles and processes. Who does what is very important in a business to ensure important business critical tasks are not missed or forgotten and in some cases duplicated.

3. Profit
The strategies at this level of the program focus directly on generating more revenue and most importantly more profit. Profit can be made from your existing customers as they are buying from you, by bringing old customers back to your business and by generating new customers.

The strategies in the productisation box aim at getting more profits by having the right product range available for your customers. Productisation strategies underpin the whole of the profit section of the program as each of the other 5 sections rely on the correct product range being available.

Profit Margin
The strategies in the profit margin box aim at getting more profits from the customers as they buy from the business. These are almost all free or very low cost strategies that are quick to implement as they are mindset changes, basic training or basic process changes. At the profit level these strategies should be considered first.

Sale Value
The strategies in the sale value box aim at getting a higher value as each sale is made as the customers buy from the business. These are almost all free or very low cost strategies that are quick to implement as they are mindset changes, basic training or basic process changes. At the profit level these strategies should be considered early on in the process.

Retention of existing customers is critical to business success as it is harder and more expensive to get new customers than it is to retain the existing ones. Generally customers like to buy on service and experience rather than cost alone so improving the customer experience is key to retention. If we get the buying experience right then product price becomes a secondary consideration. This is especially true in the consumer market.

The sales box of the profit level contains the strategies used to make the sale. This includes a sales process for business to business transactions as well as tools for higher value consumer sales. The sales strategies focus on making it easier to buy as well as reducing the risk of making the purchase.

The marketing box contains all the strategies a business needs to create marketing campaigns right from the concept through to the implementation. This includes the post campaign analysis and refinement principles.

4. Leadership
The leadership level contains the strategies needed to build a strong, powerful and winning team. Very often it is the team that will dictate the success of the business therefore the leadership skills of the leadership team become critical to the business. In many cases business owners think they are good at leadership when in fact they are missing many powerful leadership tools and not getting the best from the people around them.

The vision box contains the strategies and processes needed to create the vision for the business and its constituent parts. It is essential to establish the vision for a business as it provides direction and motivation for each team member.

The structure box contains the necessary strategies and processes to develop a robust organisational structure into which the team members can be placed. Structure is very important in any business as people like to know how they fit in and how they can progress.

Bringing the right people into the business is essential to ensure the integrity of the team. The recruitment box contains the strategies and processes that will ensure people with the right attitudes, values and skills are brought into the business.

In the team strategies box there are all the strategies and tools needed by a modern leader to get the very best out of the individuals in the team. The methods of developing a strong supporting team are also included.

5. Improve it
The improve it level focuses on improving a business that is running very well indeed. This level is very much like 6-sigma or Kaizen which has been adapted to suit the smaller businesses. It is common for a business owner to think they have a well run business when in fact they do not.

The measurement box contains the tools and techniques needed to apply appropriate measurement systems into a business. Done well in a people focused activity the implementation of a measurement system can, on its own, improve the performance we are trying to measure.

Elimination of waste in business is important to improve efficiency. This box contains the strategies used to eliminate waste in businesses. Very often business owners think the best way to increase profits is through cost saving measures including operating more effectively. While this is important, it is very often easier to increase profits with business growth strategies.

The automation box contains the necessary strategies to automate aspects of a business. Automation in a business can be prohibitively expensive as it often requires either a capital outlay or commitment to ongoing rental costs. Therefore automation is towards the end of the program as we need to know how the business should operate before automating aspects of it.

The review box contains the processes needed to keep the business operating effectively. With the business running as well as it can it is vital that the business owner along with the leadership team put in place a business review process. This will identify changes within the business and changes external to the business.

If you are not sure which of these business solutions is for you then please contact us we can help you.
